The I-205 Improvement project has eight equity goals that relate to the workforce hired by contractors and subcontractors to do the work. These goals are focused on race/ethnicity, gender, job level, the geographic area the worker resides in, and Tribal membership (I’m sure I’m messing up the words for TERO - someone help me here?)
Goal: 14% of all hours worked by Apprentices will be worked by female workers
Goal: 14% of all hours worked by Journey Workers will be worked by female workers
What does this figure say? This figure shows hours worked by all Apprentices (left column) and Journey Workers (right column). Female workers have worked 12% of all hours worked by Apprentices to date and 7% of all hours worked by Journey Workers to date.
Why is it important? An apprentice is an entry-level employee who takes part in a specialized training program to acquire trade skills. Journey Workers have higher-levels of training and experience and often help train apprentices. By fostering a broader base in the apprentice workforce, a more diverse foundation for the workforce of the future can be established. The I-205 Improvement Project has a goal for 14% of all workers in each category (Apprentices and Journeyworkers). This goal is not currently being met.
What are some of the limitations of what this figure can tell us? The figure above shows the hours worked to date. Early on the project these numbers will be highly influenced by small changes and will fluctuate significantly.
Goal: 20% of all hours worked by Apprentices will be worked by racial minority workers
Goal: 20% of all hours worked by Journey Workers will be worked by racial minority workers
What does this figure say? This figure shows hours worked by all Apprentices (left column) and Journey Workers (right column). Racial/ethnic minority workers have worked 35% of all hours worked by Apprentices to date and 29% of all hours worked by Journey Workers to date.
Why is it important? An apprentice is an entry-level employee who takes part in a specialized training program to acquire trade skills. Journey Workers have higher-levels of training and experience and often help train apprentices. By fostering a broader base in the apprentice workforce, a more diverse foundation for the workforce of the future can be established. The I-205 Improvement Project has a goal for 20% of all workers in each category (Apprentices and Journey Workers) and is currently exceeding this goal.
What are some of the limitations of what this figure can tell us? The figure above shows the hours worked to date. Early on the project these numbers will be highly influenced by small changes and will fluctuate significantly.
Goal: 8% of all hours worked will be worked by workers residing in prioritized Zip Codes
What does this figure say?
To date, ____% of all hours worked have been worked by individuals from Zip Codes identified as experiencing particular economic hardship. This exceeds the I-205 Improvement Project’s goal of 8% of all hours worked. To learn more about these zip codes and how they were identified, click on “see more detail on workforce geography” below.
Why is it important?
ODOT is committed to contributing to the economic vitality of our communities that need it most.
What are some of the limitations of what this figure can tell us?
Workers from Priority Zip Codes may be experiencing economic hardship or they may not. The same is true for Workers from Non-Priority Zip Codes.
Goal: 5% of all hours worked will be worked by workers identified by the Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO)
What does this figure say?
The figure above shows the portion of hours worked by American Indians. The I-205 Improvement Project has a goal of 5% of all hours worked by American Indians, as verified by the TERO program manager of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. As of [date], the I-205 Improvement Project has achieved ____% of all hours worked by American Indians, and is therefore exceeding its goal.
Why is it important?
Jobs in the private employment sector on and near tribal lands are an important resource for American Indians. The Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance applies to all employers located on or engaged in work on or near the Warm Springs Indian Reservation.
What are some of the limitations of what this figure can tell us?
TERO applies to all American Indians, regardless of tribal affiliation or place of enrollment. (?? What should this say?). The figure above shows the hours worked to date. Early on the project these numbers will be highly influenced by small changes and will fluctuate significantly.
Goal: 15% of all hours worked by Power Equipment Operators will be worked by Apprentices
Goal: 20% of all hours worked in all trades other than Power Equipment Operators will be worked by Apprentices
What does this figure say?
This figure shows the portion of hours worked by workers in training (Apprentices) compared to those who have completed their training (Journey Workers). As of [date] the following trades have met their respective requirements: _________. ______ are not currently meeting their apprentice goals.
Why is it important?
In order to foster development of the workforce of the future, the I-205 Improvement Project has established a goal of 20% of all hours worked in each trade (with the exception of Power Equipment Operators, where the goal is 15%) to be worked by Apprentices.
What are some of the limitations of what this figure can tell us?
The figure above shows the hours worked to date. Early on the project these numbers will be highly influenced by small changes and will fluctuate significantly.